External Examiners are a key element of the University of Strathclyde's quality framework, which aligns closely with the Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) UK Quality Code for Higher Education and, in particular, its Advice and Guidance: External Expertise.
External Examiners are essential in ensuring that high-quality teaching, learning, and assessment are maintained and enhanced across all of our subject areas. Your contribution to the assessment processes ensures that we receive a constructive, effective, and practical evaluation of the academic standards on the University's courses and, at the same time, enables a clear identification of areas of good practice. We hope that you find the online reporting system easy to use, effective and efficient.
A robust process is in place to address any issues raised by External Examiners. Reports are received, via the online Reporting System, and the Quality Enhancement and Assurance team are responsible for reviewing all External Examiner reports. Issues are shared with and responded to by Heads of Departments or Programme Leaders. Any serious concerns are drawn to the immediate attention of the Deputy Associate Principals (Learning & Teaching) and the relevant Vice-Dean (Academic) who ensure appropriate action is taken. Reports (issues and good practice) and responses are considered by the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) with a report to Senate on the outcomes.
If you have any queries, please contact: external-examiners@strath.ac.uk
If you are a new External Examiner, please read: Information for New External Examiner Appointments.
Please consult our frequently asked questions for additional help.
Click here for information on External Examining for Postgraduate Research.
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